Saturday, January 5, 2013 I missed a day, but I didn't...really, I didn't..., I broke my first resolution already...

Sort of.

I technically did not blog.  Here.

I did not nap {right away} when I came home from work Friday morning.  I worked on my Origami Owl orders for a bit. 

And I worked on the template for my Origami Owl blog!!!

It isn't much, but I invite you to check it out!!! 

I didn't blog here last night.

I thought I was going to die yesterday.  Seriously.

I had a nasty, nasty migraine.

I get them, but I have not had one this bad in a long time.

My "magic mix" {three Excedrin and a 44 oz. Diet Mountain Dew} did not work.

I can't take prescription migraine makes my back hurt. (?!?!?)

It was so bad, that I left work a little early...cried the entire four-minute drive home, managed to stay sitting upright position for fifteen minutes {the time it takes to bake pizza rolls (again) for Little Man} then crawled into bed to stay semi-coherent until Big Daddy came home {I don't like to "sleep on the job" while Big Daddy is at work and it is just the two of us at home}.

The migraine was so bad that I asked Little Man if he knew how to get a hold of Big Daddy, Grandma Nana and Papa or his Aunties if something happened to me.

I did not want to worry him, but I was afraid of passing out or something.

I seriously stayed in bed for six hours.  I kept the lights dimmed and watched TV.  I normally sleep in a quiet, dark room.  I kept the lights dimmed because the TV by itself was too bright.  Little Man checked in on me.  He is so sweet and caring.

I finally felt a little more human right before Big Daddy came home.  I got out of bed for about a half an hour.  Then went right back.

I slept pretty soundly, and woke up before nine this morning {for a Saturday...that is UNUSUAL for me...unless I have a vendor event or something}

A lazy day today.  Little Man insisted on unplugging the Christmas tree today.  I worked on taking all of the ornaments off.  There is nothing more depressing than a half-dressed unlit Christmas tree.  I had to plug it back in while I work on it.  a) it is easier for me to find the ornaments inside and b) it is just prettier to look at it all lit up.

This would also explain my out-of-control electric bill.  The tree never turns off.

We also worked on "organizing" Little Man's toys.  I am trying to help him stay organized {without being so OCD about it} and know where his things are {without obsessing about it}  I used bins that I already had around the house.  However, I am learning that none of our bins have the right lids.  This could be quite an adventure trying to find these lids.  I am determined to use what I have for now {while finances are squeaky}  This is one time that I am {semi} thankful for my {hoarder} husband bringing crap stuff home.  In this case, he brought home a shelf system with shoebox sized cubbies home {that was from a former preschool classroom}.  I am going to clean it up, for sure.  I would like to refinish it, but it is not high on my priority list. 

Of course, I just want to get rid of the old and organize the new.  Last night, in my migraine-induced fog, I *think* Big Daddy talked about moving back to Florida.

I *think* I might have agreed.


{Love to All}

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