Saturday, December 26, 2009

Saturday ~ Friday's Talent Roundup Day Post

So Friday was Christmas Day.  Normally, that would be the Talent Roundup Day.  Again, I will focus on my family.  We are such a diverse group.  So many talents, so much knowledge, so many experiences.  Sometimes, I feel inferior to these people.  That is bizarre...why should I feel inferior to these people???  I may not have travelled the world, I may not speak different languages, I may not eat fancy food or throw fancy parties.  Why should I feel inferior???  I should not.  I am a good Mommy.  I am a good wife, a good daughter, a good friend.  These are all qualities that should be admired.  Why am I looking for acceptance from everyone in my life??? 

My friends are all smarter than I am, skinnier, prettier, more successful.

My relaties are all smarter...that is for sure.  They have travelled the world, they talk about intelligent things.  They speak languages, they talk politics and current events and are just worldly.  The adults throw fantastic parties in perfect homes. 

I love them all, but feel so stupid around them.  How awful is that.  These are talented, intelligent, inspiring people...SO AM I.  Why do I feel this way???

These are my dear girlfriends, Lia and Lisa.  Lia is an IT recruiter who just bought her first house.  It is SO cute!!!  Lisa lives in Boston!!!

This is a photo of my cousin, Denise with her beautiful daughter Ashley.  Michael is being so kind and gentle around the baby.  I really, REALLY wish I had a second child sooner. 

Here is my proudest accomplishment, Michael.  Christmas Morning, with Dug the Dog.

Love to All.

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